lundi 6 février 2012

Division of Mental Hygiene

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Division of Mental Hygiene (Division or DMH), under the City Charter and in accordance with State Mental Hygiene Law, is responsible for administering, planning, contracting, monitoring, and evaluating early intervention services for children under three years old who have a developmental delay or disability, and community mental health, mental retardation, and chemical dependency services within the City of New York. In addition, DMH plans and collaborates with other City agencies to provide a variety of uniquely targeted programs, including those for individuals who are homeless or who have co-occurring disorders.
DMH is committed to ensuring that all mental health services in New York City meet the highest quality standards for the over 450,000 people in New York City who suffer from one or more mental health disorders. It is the Division’s mission to partner with consumers, families, advocates, and providers to ensure access to high quality services and to improve the lives of New Yorkers with mental health and chemical dependency disorders and those with mental retardation and developmental disabilities.

1 commentaire:

  1. Wonderful Blog! To help organizations over the mental health crisis, SOS brings you a Virtual World Mental Health Day Celebration event with a renowned and certified psychologist that'll help your team members learn.
