he RCPsych is grateful to Professor Adrian Taylor, School of
Sport and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, for writing this
leaflet. Produced by the RCPsych's Public Education Editorial
Board. Series Editor: Dr Philip Timms.
For a catalogue of public education materials or copies of our
leaflets contact: Leaflets Department The
Royal College of Psychiatrists, 17 Belgrave
Square, London SW1X 8PG. Telephone: 020 7235 2351
Charity registration number 228636
© January 2009. Royal College of Psychiatrists. This
factsheet may be downloaded, printed out, photocopied and
distributed free of charge as long as the RCPsych is properly
credited and no profit is gained from its use. Permission to
reproduce it in any other way must be obtained from the Head of Publications.
The College does not allow reposting of its factsheets on other
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Charity registration number 228636
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